The Journey

I Want To Be An Artist When I Grow Up
Adventures In Metal: Metal sculpture artist David Groenjes creates one of a kind sculptures using recycled and reclaimed metal and materials. His art has a strong emphasis on wildlife and the natural world, continually inspired by his own past adventures, and those not yet pursued. Elements of his art are designed to give the illusion of texture, movement, and form, without being too literal. Sustainably sourced components are the heart of every sculpture.​
David has loved art in many forms, recalling saying at a young age “I want to be an artist when I grow up” not really knowing where that would go. Growing up in the Midwest he surrounded himself with nature whenever possible. He later earned his Bachelor's Degree in Natural Resource Conservation and worked for the US Fish & Wildlife Service white attending College. A professional career in the Auto Repair industry gave him additional skills he needed to pursue his art. Moving out of the city and into rural Wisconsin in 2015 provided a new view on life. A few short years later David started producing sculpture at a consistent pace and has not looked back since. David has collectors from around the globe. He has had work published in multiple periodical publications as well as podcast and Television Network features.
So much of the beauty that surrounds us everyday is lost to the hurried pace of our lives. Through his art David strives to inspire the creative thoughts we have been missing, to remind us of the beauty of our natural world, and to create a heightened appreciation of wildlife and our natural resources.